Navy Gases Marines

Beans have a soul.


Eat more beans to produce more gas.

– Evgeni Kostitsyn


Now y’all, of all the research that I have come across, this really horrified me.

The Navy, U.S. and Royal have been gassing the Marines.  Yes, you read that right, both Navies have been abusing and gassing these Brave Men and Women.

Tilly: And did they lose weight? ‘I weighed 190 when I got to boot camp, I came out at 178. I ate only the beans and tomato sauce.’ – Author: Tom Sizemore

But first a bit of history on these brave men and women, the Marines y’all, not the Navies.

The Royal Marines can date their history back to 1164, when land soldiers went to sea to fight the Dutch. In 1755 they adopted the name Corps of Royal Marines, the rest is history for this respected group of fighting men and women.

The U. S.  Marines Corp was founded on 10 November 1775. Trained to fight on both land and sea, it was these founding men that helped secure the independence of the U.S. of America. God bless them for that. Today, the Marine Corp is one of the most respected military groups in the world.

Neither group of Marines were expecting the Navy, American or Royal to treat them with a great deal of respect. Especially the Officers. You see, the one thing the Marines performed while aboard those early ships was to stop the Officers from committing mutiny. I wonder if that is what part of their job is even today. Hum, think about that.

The Navy on other side of that pond found a way to slowly torture these brave men. They gassed them. Yes, gassed them… I have found the evidence, and it is clear.

Tilly: You do realise, Olive, that curbing this malpractice would be a major contributor to achieving Net Zero? Mind you, vegetarians might struggle to substitute other second-class proteins …

Another thought – at the price of gas for cooking and heating homes, maybe this supply should be recycled?

In 1747 Hannah Glasse published “The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy” within this book a chapter, Captain’s Ship, gives this recipe that was to be used while at sea. (Authors note here, white beans were called pease or white peas in Hannahs day)

Tilly:  I threw an etiquette party and served nothing but beans and sparkling water. The topic of conversation was ‘excuse me’. – Author: Bauvard

Olive: I never knew you had a sense of humor Tilly.

Tilly: Oh, perleeeeeze …

“To make a pease-soop. Get a quart of pease, boil them in two gallons of water ill they are tender, then have ready a piece of salt pork or beef, which has been laid in water the night before ; put it into the pot, with two large onions peeled, a bundle of sweet-herbs, celery, if you have it, half a quarter of an ounce of whole pepper ; let it boil till the meat is enough, then take it up, and if the soop is not enough, let it boil till the soop is good ; then strain it, set it on again to boil, and rub in a good deal of dry mint. Keep the meat hot; when the soop is ready, put in the meat again for a few minutes and let it boil, then serve it away. If you add a piece of portable soop, it will be very good. The onion soop you have in the Lent chapter.

Tilly:  All that boiling, the meat will be as tough as old boots. And is it worth adding such a minute amount of pepper? Surely a sensible quantity of garlic is called for?

‘Beans are such a nice, neutral canvas, you can make a big, basic pot of them and then play around with them differently every day.’ – Author: Crescent Dragonwagon


A white peas soup. TAKE about three pounds of thick flank of beef, or any lean part of the leg chopped to pieces ; set it on the fire in three gallons of water, about half a pound of bacon, a small bundle of sweet-herbs, a good deal of dried mint, and thirty or forty corns of pepper ; take a bunch of celery, wash it very clean, put in the green tops, and a quart of split peas, cover it close, and let it boil till two parts is wasted ; then strain it off, and put it into a clean sauce-pan, five or six heads of celery cut small and washed clean, cover it close and let it boil till there is about three quarts ; then cut some fat and lean bacon in dice, some bread in dice, and fry them just crisp ; throw them into your dish, season your soup with salt, and pour it into your dish, rub a little dried mint over it, and send it to table. You may add force-meat balls fried, cocks-combs boiled in it, and an ox’s palate stewed tender and cut small. Stewed spinach well drained, and laid round the dish is very pretty. Another way to make it. WHEN you boil a leg of pork, or a good piece of beef, save the liquor. When it is cold take off the fat; the next day boil a leg of mutton, save the liquor, and when it is cold take off the fat, set it on the fire, with two quarts of pease. Let them boil till they are tender, then put in the pork or beef liquor, with the ingredients as above, and let it boil till it is as thick as you would have it, allowing for the boiling again ; then strain it off, and add the ingredients as above. You may make your soop of veal or mutton gravy if you please, that is according to your fancy.”

If this was not an insult to all those Marines aboard those boats the Royal Navy deemed it necessary to pass this recipe over to those damn revolutionaries in the colonies. Now, this would be modern day United States of America.  Look what they recommended serving to those who bravely served while they were convalescing.


Sick in the Military Service.  1899

Tilly: Three of the most beneficial, longevity promoting anti-cancer foods are green vegetables, beans, and onions. – Author: Joel Fuhrman



Take cold baked beans, add twice as much

water as beans, and let them simmer till soft.

When done add half as much canned tomatoes

and strain. I f too thick add more water. Sea-

son to taste with salt and pepper.

Now remember folks this was before science took over to remove that built up gas from the final product.

Tilly: Just make sure those baked beans are home-cooked, not out of a tin!

The American Navy even bragged about what it was doing. Take a look at this: U.S. Navy Cook Book, 2nd Edition, January, 1920

Bean Soup

12 gals. ham stock or water

3 gals beans

5 pounds onions

12 pounds tomatoes

In preparing this soup the beans should first be soaked

in cold water for about two hours, then the water removed

and replaced with fresh water, and the beans allowed to boil

slowly. In ihe meantime, cut the onions into small slices

and add them to the soup with some ham stock or ham

bones. Cook all together until the beans are well broken.

One hour before serving, the tomatoes should be added;

the ham bones should be removed after a slight boiling.

Why in 1944 they improved or thought they had improved the recipe. Yes, once again serving it to those brave men. Adding insult to injury the Navy set about braggin’ and published the damn recipe; even teaching the younger seamen how to make such a concoction.

Tilly: Just as well they were at sea? Could help fill the sails in a lull.


Yield: Approx. 6 gallons.

Portion: 1 cup (approx. 8 ounces).




Amounts (approx.)


Beans, Navy, dried – 5 pounds 8 ounces / amount 3 1/4 quarts

Water, cold to cover

Ham Stock (page 218). 6 gallons

Onions, chopped 1 pound – 1 1/2 pints

Ham bones 8 Pounds

5 Cloves, whole

1 teaspoon Flour

8 ounces -1pint Water, cold 1 quart

Pepper 2 teaspoons Salt, if needed 4 ounces- 1/2 cup

Pick over, wash and soak beans, in water to

cover, 2 to 3 hours.

Add ham stock, onions, bones and cloves.

Heat to boiling temperature. Let simmer 2 to

3 hours. Remove bones.

Blend together flour and water to a smooth

paste. Stir into soup. Add pepper, and salt

if needed. Reheat to boiling temperature.

Note. — 1. Ham bones may be omitted.

Tilly: No, the ham bones may not be omitted.

  1. Flour may be omitted. If omitted, the

soup must be stirred while serving, as beans

will settle to bottom of the container upon



Bean Soup with Tomatoes

Follow recipe for Bean Soup and add 2 No.

2 cans (approx. 1 1/2 quarts) tomatoes to ham

stock before simmering.

The Cook Book of the United States Navy

Revised 1944

NOW… this will blow your mind.

Below is a recipe that is served in the house and senate cafeterias.  This explains everything about Congress… yep, they truly are filled full of hot air…

Olive: I think the statement above pretty much sums it up for every government official.

Tilly: And how. Universally.

U.S. Capitol Bean Soup

1 pound dry white beans, soaked overnight (or quick soaked) / 454 grams

1 meaty ham bone or 2 smoked ham hocks

3 quarts water / 2838 ml

3 onions, finely chopped

3 cloves garlic, finely chopped

4 stalks celery, with leaves, finely chopped

1/4 cup parsley, finely chopped / 59.15 ml

[Senate version: add 1 cup cooked mashed potatoes / 236.6 ml )

salt and pepper to taste

Garnish: minced parsley or chives

Strain the water from the soaked beans and put in a big pot with 3 quarts of water and the ham bone or ham hocks. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 2 hours.

Stir the chopped vegetables and herbs into the pot–and also the mashed potatoes if you’re cooking the Senate version–and cook over low heat for another hour–until the beans are nicely tender.

Remove the bones from the pot–cut off the meat into small bits and return the meat to the pot, discarding the bones.

When ready to serve, ladle into bowls and garnish with pinches of herbs. For “U.S. House of Representative Bean Soup” authenticity, crush a few of the beans in each bowl to thicken the broth and make it slightly opaque.

Please note: this recipe derives from a Senate cookbook circa 1960s…and in my humble opinion is better than the plain Jane prescription listed on the Senate website. Different refs for different chefs.

Tilly: They’re orful mean with the garlic …

One last historical note in a cookbook published in 1887 titled



Steward of the White house 1887

I do believe Grover Cleveland was President.  Can you tell me what they served, yep you guessed it, Bean Soup.  Boy the Navy sure got around.


Put two quarts of dried white beans to soak the night before you make the soup, which should be put on as early in the day as possible.

Take two pounds of the lean of fresh beef—the coarse pieces will do. Cut them up and put them into your soup-pot with the bones belonging to them (which should be broken in pieces), and a pound of lean bacon, cut very small. If you have the remains of a piece of beef [Pg. 37]that has been roasted the day before, and so much underdone that the juices remain in it, you may put it into the pot and its bones along with it. Season the meat with pepper only, and pour on it six quarts of water. As soon as it boils, take off the scum, and put in the beans (having first drained them) and a head of celery cut small, or a tablespoonful of pounded celery seed. Boil it slowly till the meat is done to shreds, and the beans all dissolved. Then strain it through a colander into the tureen, and put into it small squares of toasted bread with the crust cut off.

Tilly: The problem is global, it seems …Doping in English football is restricted to lager and baked beans with sausages. After which the players take to the field, belching and farting. English football culture is one of pure, intense competition, and that’s why I have always preferred it to Italy. – Author: Paolo Di Canio

Enjoy the history and the humor and of course the recipes.

Tilly: An inscription on a gravestone: “Where ere you be, let your wind blow free, for it was the death of me.” No, I don’t know where, the date or the poor man whose demise it describes.

Olive and Tilly

For a copy of the recipes see below









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  • Jerry Bell

    They are right — beans are a neutral canvas. Anything can be had with beans, and it goes without saying that beans, while adding flavor to the food, they will flavor the whole atmosphere of the dinner. I’ve been looking for a good ham & bean recipe, and now I have several. I tip my hat to you ladies.
    Wonderful post ladies. Yumm

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