Words Matter



In chef lingo, SOS is an acronym for sauce on the side.

Example: Can I get that order made SOS?


Tilly and I thought this post speaks for itself. Enjoy



The first annoyance will arise from the frequent re- currence of poele, braise, godiveau, espagnole potage, consomme, veloute, marinade, fumet, roux, pate a frire,  salpicon, puree, etc. These terms once properly under- stood, practice and regular attention will do the rest; for without method there can be little attainment. Some words that cannot well be left out of the work are added:

Barber, to cover with slices of lard. And you thought it was a place to get a haircut…

Blanchir, to blanch by giving some boils in water.

Brider, to truss up a fowl, or anything else with a needle and pack thread, or tape. Lots of wives feel like this.

Chevretter, to dish in a sort of garland one thing over another round a dish. Or a new style of Car.

Glace, or: demi-glace, a sauce reduced till it becomes a strong or weak jelly. So not ice cream, then?

Marquer, is to dispose properly ingredients into a stew pan. Why bother putting them in a stewpan if you are chucking them out?

 Masquer, is to cover any thing oyer, as with a sauce, Ac

Paillasse, a grill over hot cinders. Hmm … not sure it is sensible to put one’s straw mattress over hot cinders to keep warm.

Puit, , a well, or the void left in the middle, when anything is dished round as a crown.

Sasser, to stir and work a sauce with a spoon. Cheeky …

Singer, to dredge lightly with flour. I’d never do that to my sewing machine.

Vanner, to work a sauce well with a spoon, by lifting it up and letting it fall. The spoon or the sauce? Make a mess dropping the spoon like that?

Entrees, first-course dishes drest. There must always be a beginning.

Entremets, second- course dishes ditto. A middle … now where is the ending?

 Gril a tirage. A grill with close and narrow ribs, used for drying caramel and chemised fruits and flowers. Fruit and flowers with nighties on?

Salt Water

Fill a small kettle with water, and put in a sufficant quantity of salt, with some whole young onions branches od parsley, one or two heads of garlic of carrots, thyme, bayleaves sweet basil and cloves; let it boil three quarters of and hour skim and take it off the fire, cover it with a cloth, leave it half or three quarters of an hour to settle ; pass it through a gauze search; it is then ready for cooking fish, or any thing that requires salt water.

Also be a good drink for a cough/cold – could add garlic for extra oomph.

Above from:

The Art of French Cookery

By Antoine B. Beauvilliers

Publication date 1827

Olive and Tilly

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  • Jerry Bell

    I love the new wrinkles in my brain I always get from reading these women’s work. Every time I do, not only do I learn, but I’m immensely entertained. I, like the comment from the other reader, understood SOS meant something different. Once, years ago when I was a young man, I served entrees in a cafeteria. This little old lady became next in line. She had blue hair and when she stood up as straight as she could she looked like a question mark. In a loud voice I’m sure her husband hated, she said, “SOS! That’s not what we called that. We called it Shit On a Shingle. Yeah, that’s right Shit On a Shingle…” She said it over and over all the way through the rest of the food line. I never heard a little old lady say stuff like that before.
    But back to the blog. I love this blog, and the banter back and forth is always worth a good read. Great job, ladies.

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